  • Nubaira Ahmer khan"
  • 2022/03/11

Oats are the most loved or hated food present on our breakfast table. Some people eat oats forcefully as their oatmeal diet plan, while others love to consume oats flakes in their routine breakfast. Oats have a very high reputation among different cereals or food, whether liked or disliked. When it comes to nutritional value, oats are considered a very desired food. They are highly healthy and retain the capability to reduce many risks associated with different ailments. It is rich in fibers, and it is a healthy asset for people who wish to lose weight because due to the oats' high water and soluble fiber content it controls the hunger level in the body. 

The Best Quantity Of Oat To Eat

If you are thinking mow many oat flakes should you eat per day, then it is recommended to eat 40 g to 50 g oats that include four to five tablespoons of oat flakes in a bowl. As oats are a rich diet and even consuming a bowl of oats will keep you full for a long time. Therefore it is beneficial to consume this staple diet in breakfast so that it keeps you active and makes your stomach full throughout the day. Similarly, never eat oats right before going to bed because it will create an indigestion problem for you. 


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Oatmeal Diet

Many of us hear the term, which is common nowadays, i.e., oatmeal diet, but we rarely have enough information regarding this term. Oatmeal is a meal made from carbohydrates and fibers that work excellently for the healthy growth and functioning of a body. The oatmeal diet seriously proves to be ideal for losing weight. One of the most wonderful miracles of following a proper oatmeal diet is that it helps you lose almost 4 pounds, i.e., 1.8 kg weight approximately within a week, and that’s truly incredible.  If you are thinking that will the oatmeal diet help you lose weight, then obviously yes because the oatmeal diet plan for weight loss involves low calorie and low-fat items, and they involve healthy food choices that provide beneficial body nutrients. A person feels fulfilled for a longer duration. Well, every good thing has a wrong side as well. The same goes with an oatmeal diet that minor risks are associated with it. Like oatmeal, diet is highly restrictive, and it restricts a person to just consume oats throughout the duration, which is not a good option people ultimately crave to eat something, and then they end up cheating on their oatmeal diet plan.  


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Oatmeal Diet Plan 

The oatmeal diet plan involves three phases i.e. 

First Phase 

The first phase in the oatmeal diet plan involves a one-week duration in which a person has to stick with the routine of eating oatmeal three times a day without skipping a single day. The condition is to eat whole oats instead of granola bars or instant oat snacks. The number of calories that need to be consumed must be restricted to 900 to 1200 a day.

Second Phase 

The second phase involves the duration of the second to the fifth week, in which a person has to eat oatmeal two times a day along with a cup of fruits for breakfast and a cup of vegetables for dinner. The number of calories that need to be consumed must be restricted to 1000 to 1300 a day.

Third Phase

The last phase includes the sixth week that lasts till the tenth week. Well, during this duration, a person is required to stick to one snack and must take oatmeal once a day. While there are no restrictions on fat intake, calories still matter, so do not rush immediately towards enjoying junk food and patiently follow the healthy meal schedule. 

Oatmeal Diet Plan Result 

Although the oatmeal diet plan works amazingly, however, the results still vary from person to person. It is evident that a person can quickly lose approximately 40 pounds within a minimum duration of two months. But the first condition is consistency in following the exact routine because some people find it difficult to follow the oatmeal diet and cheat. Still, if you are interested in losing weight, it is significant to show serious motivation towards weight loss and healthy eating behavior.  

Is It Ok To Eat Oat Every Day?

If you are planning to eat oats three times a day then it is a good idea but for a certain duration such as when you are going with an oatmeal diet plan. But at the same time, you can not live your whole life based on just eating oats all the time. The overabundance of anything is never a healthy option that is why it is better to make things easy and always maintain balance in everything. Oats are a staple diet which is no doubt good for many reasons, especially it is a perfect thing that works great in your weight loss journey, however, oats do not contain all the nutrients that are vital need of body every day that is why it better to include different healthy fruits and fresh vegetables combined with regular exercise and balanced routine. 


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